Preparing for Ramadan Kareem – Things to do Before Ramadan

Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar that holds great significance for Muslims worldwide. Ramadan Kareem is a time of spiritual renewal, reflection, and self-discipline through fasting. In this Holy month, Muslims strive to improve their spiritual and moral well-being by increasing their acts of worship.

During fasting, Muslims can purify their soul, practice self-discipline, and develop empathy for less fortunate people. Ramadan is the time for Muslims to strengthen their connection with Allah, seek forgiveness for past sins, and strive for self-improvement. 

Muslims worldwide can be seen performing different actions to prepare for this holy month to enjoy it to its fullest and achieve the special blessings of Allah. To make the most out of this blessed month, it is essential to prepare both physically and spiritually. 

Wondering how?  What to do before Ramadan? Or are you looking for ways to prepare for this Holy month?

If yes then continue reading because we are going to guide you thoroughly on how to prepare for this Holy month!

Things to do Before Ramadan Kareem

Remember, Ramadan is a time of spiritual reflection, self-improvement, and increased devotion to Allah. By taking these steps before the start of the month, you can make the most of this time and reap the spiritual rewards that come with it.

Mentally Prepare Yourself 

First of all, if you want to achieve something, it is necessary to set your goals and intentions for it. Set your goals to achieve the blessings of Allah, seek forgiveness, seek Layla tul Qadr blessings, and unlimited reward from the Almighty. With this mental preparation, you can prepare yourself for the spiritual journey ahead and improve your relationship with Allah. Moreover, this will also pave the way to seeking blessings and becoming a better person.

Prepare for Fasting

So what exactly you have to do before you prepare for fasting? Now if we take on a historical view, we realize that our Prophet (PBUH) fasted exceptionally in the month of Shabban, the month before Ramadan. Here is the reference:

“Usamah ibn Zayd (RA) said: I said, ‘Oh Messenger of Allah, I do not see you fasting in any other month like you fast in Shabaan.’ He (PBUH) said, ‘That is a month to which people do not pay attention, between Rajab and Ramadan, and it is a month in which deeds are lifted up to the Lord of the Worlds. I like for my deeds to be lifted up when I am fasting.” (Narrated by al-Nasaai)”

Although it was the action of our Holy Prophet but He (SAW) has not emphasized the Muslims to fast before Ramadan so that Muslims don’t lose their energy and motivation to fast during Ramadan. But, there is still an alternative that you can follow to prepare your body for fasting. 

Prepare for Fasting

This alternative way is to follow the recommended sunnah of our prophet that is:

  • Fast on Mondays and Thursdays
  • Fast on Ayam ul Bayd

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) frequently observed fasting on Mondays and Thursdays. He explained that on these days, the deeds of people are presented to Allah, and fasting on these specific days is especially meritorious. Hence, it is the sunnah to fast on these two days. In this way, you will also be able to build up the habit of fasting. 

Secondly, it is also recommended to fast on Ayam ul Bayd, which falls on the 13th, 14th, and 15th of the Lunar calendar. Although it is not obligatory but the messenger of Allah Almighty has advised the Muslims to fast for three days each month. 

Abd-Allah ibn ‘Amr ibn al-‘As (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “It is sufficient for you to fast three days every month because for every good deed, you will have (the reward of) ten like it, so that will be like fasting for a lifetime.” (Narrated by al-Bukhari (1874); Muslim (1159)

So these are the two ways that can help you make up the habit of fasting along with the benefit of reaping the reward and blessings from the Almighty!

Eat Healthy Foods to Boost Energy for Ramadan

Eating healthy foods before and during Ramadan is essential to sustain energy levels throughout Ramadan Kareem. This step is necessary to ensure you can fulfill your daily activities and religious obligations without feeling fatigued. 

For eating healthy, you can begin your day by eating healthy. For this, choose complex carbohydrates like whole grains, oats, brown rice, and whole wheat bread. These types of food help maintain steady energy levels by providing a slow release of glucose into the bloodstream. It also prevents fluctuation in the blood stream and reduces the risk of feeling tired or sluggish during fasting hours.

Eat protein-rich foods like lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, legumes, and nuts. This helps support muscle repair and growth while keeping you feeling full and satisfied for longer periods. 

Reduce Caffeine

Don’t forget to add plenty of fruits and vegetables to your meals. These types of food provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support overall health and well-being. These nutrient-dense foods help strengthen your immune system, promote proper digestion, and enhance energy levels.

Furthermore, staying hydrated is also crucial during Ramadan. While abstaining from food and drink during daylight hours, it is essential to consume plenty of water during non-fasting hours to prevent dehydration and maintain optimal energy levels.

In short, you will have to make up the habit of eating a balanced and nutritious diet before the arrival of Ramadan.

Reduce Caffeine Intake and Snacks 

Reducing caffeine and snack intake before Ramadan is important for both physical and spiritual health. Too much caffeine can make you dehydrated and disturb your sleep, which is not good during fasting. Cutting back on caffeine slowly before Ramadan helps you adjust better to fasting without feeling tired. 

Also, eating fewer sugary snacks helps stabilize your energy levels during fasting, so focus on healthier meals instead. This way, you can stay energized and focused throughout the day while fasting.

Improve Your Character

Each person can enhance their kindness and refine various aspects of their character.

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught us: “The best among you are those who have the finest manners and character.” (al-Bukhari). 

So, we can try to be patient, kind, honest, and affectionate toward others. Other things we can do is be truthful and kind in our words and actions. 

Make up the Habit of Exercising Daily

Exercising daily is crucial, especially during Ramadan. Engaging in physical activity each day, even if it is just a brisk walk or light stretching, helps maintain overall health and well-being. 

Regular exercise boosts energy levels, improves mood, and enhances mental clarity, which are essential during fasting. Additionally, staying active can help prevent muscle loss and maintain metabolism while fasting. Exercising during Ramadan helps you stay physically and mentally fit, enabling you to make the most out of this sacred month.

Remember the Needy 

Remembering the needy is a fundamental aspect of Ramadan and an essential part of practicing compassion and empathy. During this blessed month, Muslims are encouraged to extend their generosity and support to those who are less fortunate. 

It is our core duty to not forget the poor and needy in times of need, especially during Ramadan when they too are fasting with the least things available to them.

Stock up the Essentials 

Ramadan is the month in which we, the Muslim community, love to eat tasty and delicious foods. Our Iftar tables are always full with a variety of dishes. For making such tasty iftar there is a practical step that we need to follow i.e stocking up on essentials. 

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It involves ensuring that you have everything you need to make the month as smooth and fulfilling as possible. This includes food items for suhoor and iftar, such as grains, fruits, vegetables, and protein sources, as well as household necessities like toiletries, cleaning supplies, and cooking ingredients. 

By stocking up on essentials before Ramadan begins, you can avoid last-minute rushes to the store and focus your time and energy on spiritual activities and reflection during the holy month. This preparation helps create a sense of ease and readiness, so move to halal grocery stores and get the necessities you need for Ramadan.

Recite and Reflect Upon the Qur’an

Last but most important step that we should follow before Ramadan to make it an habit all during the holy month. Read and think about the Qur’an, try to acknowledge what lesson it is teaching us.

Reading the Qur’an helps us grow spiritually and feel closer to Allah. We should also think about what the verses mean and how they can guide us in our lives. By spending time reading and thinking about the Qur’an before and during Ramadan, we can become better Muslims and feel more connected to our faith.

In conclusion, preparing for Ramadan Kareem involves both physical and spiritual readiness. The preparations before Ramadan not only enhance our connection with Allah but also enrich our spiritual growth and well-being. 

Let us approach Ramadan with sincerity and dedication, striving to maximize its blessings and rewards.
