Is Kombucha Tea Halal – Can Muslims Consume it?

Is Kombucha Tea Halal ? Are you the one looking for the answer to this question? 

Kombucha tea is known for its benefits but due to its fermented effects, people often face controversies regarding its halal status. 

Kombucha Tea, a beverage that has captured widespread attention due to its touted health benefits. Amidst the growing curiosity, a crucial question emerges: does Kombucha Tea align with the principles of Halal consumption?

In an age where health and nutrition awareness is on the rise, understanding a product’s legitimacy and Halal status becomes paramount.

To answer your concerns, we are here to help you! So let us help you find the answer to your question!

What is Kombucha Tea?

What is Kombucha Tea?

Kombucha is a bubbly, fermented tea drink that is made from sweetened black or green tea leaves infused with various herbs, spices, fruits, or vegetables. Positioned as a wholesome substitute for sugary sodas, it boasts a low sugar content while offering a wealth of living cultures, organic acids, and antioxidants that contribute to immune system support.

Read more – Is Kombucha Halal?

Kombucha tea is a fermented beverage that is made by fermenting sweetened tea with a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY). The process involves adding the SCOBY to the sweetened tea and allowing it to ferment for a period of time, typically one to two weeks. During fermentation, the SCOBY metabolizes the sugars in the tea, producing various acids, enzymes, and trace amounts of alcohol.

The result is a fizzy, slightly effervescent drink with a unique taste that can range from sweet to slightly tangy or vinegary. The taste of the drink depends on the fermentation time and ingredients used. Kombucha is often enjoyed for its potential health benefits, which include probiotics that support gut health, antioxidants, and various vitamins.

Is Kombucha Tea Halal? 

Kombucha is generally considered safe and can be a part of a healthy diet for many people. Although it is made from herbs and vegetables but the fermentation process does produce a small amount of alcohol. For this reason, its halal status has always been a hot topic.

Kombucha releases alcohol during the fermentation process but the amount is quite low. Now, with the Quran prohibiting alcohol to prevent intoxication and altering of one’s natural state, kombucha receives approval as halal.

Primarily beneficial, it poses virtually no risk of intoxication. Islamic authorities have explicitly deemed kombucha permissible, particularly considering its increasing popularity.

Learn about Halal in our comprehensive blog – What does Halal Mean?

Kombucha Tea is Halal – Know Why?

Kombucha Tea is Halal

Now the main concern at this point is understanding why Kombucha tea is considered halal. So here we have highlighted few points:

  • Kombucha typically contains approximately 0.5% ABV, similar to certain types of bread or fruit. As long as fermented food and beverages maintain an alcohol content below 1.2% ABV, they are generally considered halal, avoiding classification as alcoholic.
  • The average alcohol content in kombucha tea is less than 0.5%. As per the ruilings by different Ulmas, the 
  • Fermented beverage products with alcohol content below 0.5% are legally considered halal, as long as the process avoids haram ingredients and ensures they are medically harmless.
  • Consuming kombucha tea is not considered haram due to its very low alcohol content, which is insufficient to cause drunkenness.
  • Alcoholic drinks are usually produced using significant amounts of sugar, which undergo fermentation to yield high alcohol content in the final product. In wine making, for instance, the abundant sugars found in grapes are broken down to produce a concentrated alcohol content, resulting in intoxicating effects. However, this is not the case with Kombucha. 
  • Kombucha primarily derives from vegetables, which are included in the non-critical (positive) list of ingredients. This ingredient is a critical consideration regarding the halal status of kombucha.
  • The last concern that Islamic Authorities have highlighted is that it has an abundance of benefits, thus, substances and foods primarily offering benefits are permissible.

 Moreover, commercially available Kombucha is typically regulated to ensure it complies with legal limits for alcohol content. However, homemade Kombucha may have higher variability in alcohol levels, this is why you should only prefer store-available Kombucha drinks.

Yes, Muslims Can Drink It 

So finally, we are here with the final answer. Muslims can drink Kombucha tea because it is Halal by the Muslim Ulmas. It also has a variety of health benefits. It is considered halal due to its low amount of alcohol content. The alcohol content present in it is relatively less for causing intoxication. 

So Kombucha is Halal and Muslims can drink it!
