Fulfil Your Religious Needs With Mosques In Vaughan, Canada


ArMosques In Vaughan e you in Vaughan? Do you know exactly what issue a Muslim could face in Vaughan, a non-Muslim community? Whenever you visit any non-Muslim community, we are sure you will be exposed to assimilation or cultural adjustment. Therefore, it is likely that you will face shedding some cultural and Islamic values. So, for this reason, What should be the attitude of a Muslim? Simply, it would be best to approach mosques in Vaughan, Ontario, Canada. You can search Islamic centers near you to show your religious responsibility.

Suppose you are facing any issues finding a mosque near you. In that case, we have authentic information for our Muslims about Islamic centers and mosques near you in Vaughan and other areas of Ontario.

Near By Mosques In Vaughan, Ontario, Canada

  1. Islamic Society of Vaughan
  2. Masjid Vaughan

Islamic Society of Vaughan

Islamic society of Vaughan has been working hard to strengthen Islam since July 2017. They are showing their responsibility to provide you with a balance of life in Vaughan. If you live here, search the mosque near me and visit the Islamic Society of Vaughan for better Islamic services. They are open for males and females for Jumma prayer. But females are recommended to join the second shift if Jumma prayer. As a result, you will get reasonable space to offer your namaz.

Address: Jane 9100 St Unit 22-24, Vaughan, ON, Canada

Website: http://www.islamicsocietyvaughan.com/

Contact number: +19055973233


  • Five-time namaz daily
  • Jumma prayer
  • Eid prayers
  • Tarawih
  • Islamic education


  • Weekly Quran Classes: Monday-Thursday 5:30-7:30 pm.
  • Sunday classes: Sunday 11:45 am – 1:45 pm

Masjid Vaughan

Masjid Vaughan started working in 2018 in Vaughan. You can visit them as a mosque providing Islamic education that is enough to teach us the meaning of real life. If you are visiting nearby areas of Vaughan, then you can come here for your daily Namaz and Islamic teachings. They are serving an intellectual imam with a tremendous knowledge of Islam. So, find them from one of the best mosques in Vaughan.

Address: Keele Street 9954 Vaughan, ON, Canada

Website: https://www.masjidvaughan.ca/

Contact number: (647) 243-5899


  • Five-time namaz daily
  • Jumma prayer
  • Eid prayers
  • Tarawih
  • Islamic education
  • Hajj and umrah
  • Nikah
  • Janaza
  • Zakat distribution


  • Muslim family academy= from the age 5-10
  • Muslim family academy= from the age 11-18
  • Sunday classes: Sunday 11:45 am – 1:45 pm
  • Boys’ Islamic academy
  • Girls’ Islamic academy

So this is all about the two famous mosques in Vaughan. We have provided you with comprehensive information about the two mosques. To help you know more about mosques in Ontario, Canada, we have a comprehensive list of mosques for you!
