Guidance for Ramadan 2025 Calgary – A Detailed Guide to Help You!

New to Canada and wondering what it is like to spend Ramadan 2025 in Calgary. Although Ramadan is around the corner and Muslims around the world are excited to deepen their faith in this blessed month. It is the fact that spending Ramadan in non-Muslim country is a unique experience that brings its own challenges and blessings. 

In Calgary, you will find a diverse Muslim community that comes together to observe Ramadan despite being in a predominantly non-Muslim environment. Today, we are here to guide you how to spend your Ramadan 2025 in Calgary and also bringing the Ramdana sehar and iftar schedule for you.

So let’s get started!

Ramadan 2025 Calgary 

Living in a multicultural city like Calgary allows you to experience the diversity of traditions and cultures within the Muslim community. You may encounter Muslims from various backgrounds, each bringing their own customs and practices to the observance of Ramadan. This enriches your experience and understanding of the faith.

Ramdan in Calgary will begin on the 10th of March evening and the Muslims will observe their fast on the 11th of March,2025. Although the dates can vary a day or two due to the sighting of the crescent moon. As soon as the moon is sighted the new lunar month, “Ramadan” will be apprehended. 

During the month of Ramadan, numerous Muslims observe fasting from dawn until dusk. This fasting practice is also one of the five pillars of Islam. This holy month entails a period of heightened spiritual reflection and devotion.

Ramadan 2024 Calgary 

Fasting During the Holy Month

During Ramadan, Muslims abstain from eating and refrain from engaging in illicit activities from pre-dawn until sunset each day. At sunset, which coincides with the Maghrib prayer, they break their fast with a prayer and a meal known as iftar.

Know the Supplications of Ramadan

There are many supplications for fasting that are recited at the beginning and while breaking the fast. The three main supplications for to recite are as follows:

  • For making an intention or Niyat for fasting, this means when you begin the fast, say this prayer:

وَبِصَوْمِ غَدٍ نَّوَيْتُ مِنْ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ

Pronunciation – (Wa bisawmi ghadinn nawaiytu min shahri ramadan)

Translation – I intend to keep the fast for tomorrow in the month of Ramadan

  • Another Dua that you can recite at the beginning of the Fast is as follows

  نـَوَيْتُ صَوْمَ غـَدٍ عَـنْ اَدَاءِ فـَرْضِ شـَهْرِ رَمـَضَانَ هـَذِهِ السَّـنـَةِ لِلـّهِ تـَعَالىَ

Pronounciation – Nawaitu sauma ghadin anadai fardu shahri ramadhana hazihissanati lillahitaala

Translation- I intend to do obligatory fast tomorrow in the month of Ramadan this year because of Allah

  •  While breaking the fast during Maghrib time, you should recite the following prayer:

Dua (Prayer) at the End of the Fast

 اللَّهُمَّ اِنِّى لَكَ صُمْتُ وَبِكَ امنْتُ وَعَليْكَ تَوَكّلتُ وَ عَلى رِزْقِكَ اَفْطَرْتُ

Pronounciation – Allahumma inni laka sumtu wa bika aamantu wa alayka tawakkaltu wa ala rizq-ika-aftartu

Translation – O Allah! I fasted for You and I believe in You and I put my trust in You and I break my fast with Your sustenance

Ramadan 2025 Calgary Timings for Sehar & Iftar 

Ramadan timings for Sehar (pre-dawn meal) and Iftar (breaking fast) in Calgary for 2025 would depend on the specific dates and the timing of sunrise and sunset . To help you in this matter we have brought a complete sehar & iftar timing schedule for you.

We will highlight the Ramadan sehar and Iftar timing by dividing it into three parts according to the three ashras of Ramadan. Now those who don’t know let us guide you on this. 

The Holy month of Ramadan is divided into three ashras. The first ten days of the month is first ashra, other ten days after the 10th of Ramadan is the second ashra while the third ashra includes the last ten days of Ramadan.  


Know About Sehar& Iftar Meals To Enjoy in Ramadan 2025, Canada

As per the sehar and iftar schedule, the first roza or fast will be 13 hours and 27 minutes long while it will extend to 15 hours and 31 minutes til the last day of Ramadan. This means Calgaruy Muslims will be fasting for 13 to 15 long hours this Ramadan. To enjoy the full zest of this holy month it is important to maintain proper health during the long fasting hours. It is essential to focus on nutritious and balanced meals for Sehar and Iftar.

Have a healthy meal for sear as it is crucial to stay alert and energized throughout the day. For this, have a meal that is rich in carbohydrates and lean proteins. This includes whole grains, whole wheat breads, oats, yogurt, fruit, eggs, nuts, etc. 

These types of food help to release the energy slowly, keeping fuller for longer and energized throughout the day. Moreover, these types of food also aid in maintaining muscle mass and keep you fully satisfied.

Yogurt is one of the main food items that Muslims take during Sehar time to stay energized for the whole day. So it is essential to include yogurt or curd in your meal. You can find a variety of halal yogurt brands in Canada. 

Moreover, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. You can also add hydrated food items like fruits and vegetables in your sehar meal to stay well hydrated during the day.

Iftar Meal

First of all, break your fast with dates and water. This will replenish your energy. After breaking the fast, you can enjoy a balanced meal that includes carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fruits. Include dishes that are both healthy and nutritious. This can be grilled meats, cereals, lentils, soups whole grain dishes, fruits, and vegetables.

Moreover, during Ramadan, people prefer to eat fried options. It is recommended to avoid a lot of fried food options. The reason is, that too much fry food can lead to sluggishness and even cause stomach upset and digestive discomfort. 

Important Tips to Follow While Fasting

Here are some tips that you must follow while fasting during Ramadan:

  • Practice moderation and avoid overeating
  • Focus on mindful eating by savoring evey bite.
  • Share meals with friends and family
  • Opt for nutritious food

About Tarweeh Prayer During Ramadan in Calgary

Tarweeh Prayer During Ramadan in Calgary

Tarwaeeh prayer is a special prayer that is offered during Ramadan. It is an additional and obligatory prayer performed by Muslims. This prayer has a significant importance during Ramadan. 

In Calgary, this prayer is held in different Islamic centers and mosques. The community centers organize sich prayers for the Muslim community.

Most importantly, these prayers are performed in congregation and only skilled Quran reciters or Imams can lead this prayer. This is led by only the one who have Qur’a knowledge because only they can help the worshippers to recite the portion of the Holy Qur’an each night.

So this is all about Ramadan in Calgary. This Holy month offers an opportunity to Muslims to deepen their faith and connect with Allah. With diverse Muslim nation in Canada, the community centers arrange special occasions for the Muslim community. 

So connect with the community and enjoy the blessings of the Holy month during Ramadan. Don’t forget to prioritize your health by choosing heathy diet during the two main meals of Ramadan. Shop for Halal meat and grocery from the local halal stores to prepare your meals. 

Although, Ramadan is a month of blessing and a great experience for Muslims to gather the spiritual reward from Allah. So get ready to enjoy this Ramadan in Calgary. 
