Is Cava Wine Halal or Haram for Muslims?

Have you ever witnessed or attended a function in a Western country? Their celebration starts with wine. One of the most famous celebration wines is the Cava. If you are a Muslim and live or work in Western countries, you must be wondering if Cava halal or haram. Muslims are strictly prohibited from consuming haram food items. So, if you are confused about this specific wine, this blog is for you. Today, we will shed light on Cava’s dietary status. Let’s see if Cava is halal according to Islamic principles and scholars. 

What is Cava? Is it Halal?

Cava is a sparkling wine that originated from Spain. This Spanish wine is part of special occasions and grand celebrations for everyone. However, a Muslim can not eat anything like non-Muslims. You must have felt hesitant while grabbing Cava on an occasion because you are a Muslim. All Muslims know that alcohol consumption is strictly prohibited in Islam. Does this ruling apply to Cava, too? Of course, it does. Cava is not halal, and no Muslim should ever take a sip of it. It is prepared via the traditional Spanish bottle fermentation method. Cava is the fermented product of three kinds of grapes that undergo fermentation for an extended period to give it that sparkling texture and taste. You can 

Why is Cava Haram?

One thing that Islam teaches to all Muslims is differentiating between halal and haram items. Alcohol is one of those haram items that are strictly prohibited. 

Why is Cava Haram?
It is mentioned in Quranic verses multiple times. Many Islamic scholars teach about it, too. Every Muslim is aware of halal and haram from his childhood. If you are a Muslim, you must know it, too. Anything that contains alcohol is haram for you. Cava is no exception. In Surah al-Madina, 5:90, Allah says:

O believers! Intoxicants, gambling, idols, and drawing lots for decisions are all evil of Satan’s handiwork. So shun them so you may be successful”.

As a Muslim, we should all follow Islamic teachings. It’s not only the Quran; many Hadith also mention alcohol consumption is forbidden in Islam. Anything that contains alcohol is prohibited for all Muslims. As Cava contains alcohol, it is also haram. 

How is Cava Made?

We mentioned earlier that Cava is prepared by fermenting grapes. Now, you may ask if grapes are fruit and if a fruit is halal, how is its fermented product haram? Well, it’s because fermentation produces alcohol naturally. So, yeah, it makes a halal thing haram for you. Also, the grape juice is kept for ages, which increases the alcohol content in it. The higher the alcohol content, the stronger the wine becomes. It’s the alcohol content that makes wine haram. Therefore, according to this rule, Cava is haram, too, because it contains alcohol. 

Also, see if the famous fast food chain is Popeyes halal in Canada.  

Can A Muslim Have Cava?

I don’t think anyone would still consider enjoying Cava after reading the above information. Because of the presence of alcohol content, Cava is haram.

Can A Muslim Have Cava?

 Not just Cava, anything that contains alcohol is not permissible for a Muslim to eat it. This does not mean you can not have grape juice. Cava is not different from grape juice. The fermentation process produces alcohol in it, which makes it non-halal. This is not the case with grapes juice. You can have grape juice or any beverage, but not the ones that contain alcohol.

Final Verdict

Do not guzzle down Cava just because you are out with your non-Muslim friends and colleagues. According to the Islamic teachings, Quran, and hadith, anything that has alcohol is haram. So does Cava. If you are offered any alcoholic beverage, Cava, or anything, a Muslim can not have it. If he does, he will be sinning. All Muslims should strictly follow the Islamic teachings no matter what. I hope our content helps you understand what Cava is and why it is called haram. 


Is 0% alcohol wine halal?

If the alcohol content in a wine is 0%, it is considered non-alcoholic. It has no intoxication properties. Thus, 0% alcohol is halal according to Islamic rules. According to this, non-alcoholic wine is permissible for Muslims. 

Which wine is halal in Islam?

According to the official statement of The International Association of Quranist Muslims, red wine is halal in Islam. It does not contain any alcohol content. However, the intoxication is haram. 
