Is Kombucha Halal? What Do the Islamic Scholars Say?

Have you ever heard about Kombucha tea? If you are here, you must have heard about it. You must have heard about the speculations, too. So, what do you think is kombucha halal? It’s a question that has not been answered clearly. Don’t worry; today, we are here with a mission. In this blog, we will find out if the kombucha is halal or not. We will uncover this according to the Islamic point of view. So, all the Muslims out there seeking answers to this question, stay tuned. 

What is Kombucha?

Kombucha is a Japanese drink. It offers plenty of health benefits. Originating from East Asia and spreading in Germany and Russia, Kombucha has been everyone’s favorite. From the 20th century till now, Kombucha has always been in hot water for its dietary status. Its medicinal uses are spreading wildly. But our concern is, is kombucha drink halal? Every Muslim is conscious of halal and haram items. They try their best only to eat halal items. The medicinal benefits of kombucha can not give it halal status. To learn halal in detail, read our guide on what does halal mean.

How Is Kombucha Made?

How Is Kombucha Made

It is a fermented drink. A fermentation process between bacteria and fungi makes kombucha. Making this tea is not rocket science. The leaves of a plant called Camellia sinensis are all you need. Then, layer them with sugar and cellulose. Prepare Kombucha with the fermentation process of these ingredients. That’s all. Also, instead of starting from scratch, you can use already fermented drinks to make more kombucha. 

Is Kombucha Halal According to Islamic Halal Standards?

First of all, Kombucha is prepared from vegetables, so it’s halal. But what makes it doubtful is the end product. It is prepared from Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast. This yeast helps in conducting the fermentation process. As a result of which, this yeast produces a minute amount of alcohol as a by-product. This is where the questions on its halal status are raised. The alcohol amount in kombucha is 0.5%. As all Muslims know, alcohol is haram in Islam. A Muslim is not allowed to consume alcohol, even in minute amounts. So, does this make kombucha haram for Muslims? 

Well, the answer is NO. There are mixed statements about kombucha tea. According to a Fatwa by the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI), products containing less than 0.5% alcohol are halal. Does this answer your question, “Is kombucha drink halal?” As the alcohol percentage in kombucha is legally acceptable, we can say kombucha is halal. That’s not it; there’s more to this fatwa. Kombucha is only halal if it does not contain any haram ingredient. Also, the product should be medically harmless to gain halal status by MUI.


Are you thinking about what ingredients can make kombucha haram? If yes, continue reading. A laboratory expert who explained the kombucha preparation method. According to him, its preparation depends on meat as it is the source of nitrogen for the nutrition of bacteria. Now, this meat could be halal or haram. If the meat is from a forbidden animal, kombucha is automatically haram. If not, meat is halal, kombucha is halal, no questions asked. 

Read our guide on what makes meat halal. It will clear your thoughts about halal and non-halal meat. 

Another ingredient that controls the halal status of kombucha is resin. It is present in sugar and can be used during the fermentation process. If the resin is from an unclean animal, kombucha will be haram. Those who ask, is kombucha halal? Yes, it is halal if the resin is from a vegetable or non-animal source. Most commonly, gelatin/resin is extracted from the bones of dead animals, pig fat, etc. Any kombucha tea made from these ingredients is not halal. 

So Is Kombucha Drink Halal?

After all the statements, it’s still confusing. Some are still looking for answers if kombucha tea is halal. So the answer is YES, it is halal. It is produced from fermentation, a natural process. It gets a pass because of the plant source of the product. Also, the alcohol content in the end product is very low. It does not take anyone in a drunken state. This is why it is considered halal. As compared to other fermented drinks like wine with a greater percentage of alcohol, kombucha is not even near to something that is haram to consume. Many Islamic scholars say Yes when asked, “Is kombucha tea halal?”

Health Benefits of Kombucha Tea

Health Benefits of Kombucha Tea

Kombucha tea offers numerous health benefits. It has been used as a medicine for more than a century now. I am mentioning a few major benefits of kombucha tea.

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-oxidant
  • Helps in reducing cholesterol level
  • Maintains blood pressure
  • Treats cancer
  • Improves liver health
  • Supports immune system
  • Improves digestion and digestive system

Final Words

Everyone knows Muslims try their best to follow Islamic dietary guidelines. Some items are impermissible for Muslims to consume. One of these is alcohol. This is why many raise questions about the halal status of kombucha tea. However, according to Islamic scholars, kombucha is considered halal. Despite the fact it contains alcohol, it comes under halal items. The status is given to this tea after careful consideration. The alcohol ratio in kombucha is very low. It falls under the acceptable range, which is why it passes the halal standards. Also, it has plenty of health benefits, unlike other fermented drinks. It is also one of the reasons why kombucha is considered a halal drink. 


Is it haram to have kombucha?

No, kombucha is not haram. It passes halal dietary standards and is considered a halal drink. 

Which kombucha brands are halal?

Common halal kombucha brands are Remedy Kombucha, Remedy Energy, and Remedy Sparkling Apple Cider Vinegar. All these brands have halal certification. Al Iman Islamic Society Inc. has permitted them to obtain halal certificates. 

