Is Lobster Halal – Can Muslims Eat Lobster?

Lobster is a delicacy enjoyed by seafood enthusiasts worldwide, but for Muslims, the question remains: is lobster halal?

Halal food is an integral part of the Islamic faith, and Muslims must adhere to strict dietary laws to ensure their food is halal and pure to eat. The word “halal” refers to what is lawful or allowed in Islam, while its opposite is “haram” which is referred to the thing that is prohibited.

Lobster, being a shellfish, is a food item that often sparks debate among Muslims regarding its halal status. This is why, we are here to help you drag out of this debate by providing the authentic answer that you have been looking for.

In this blog post, we will delve into the topic and explore whether lobster is halal or not by taking into account the Islamic dietary laws and the reasons behind the differing opinions on the matter.

Lobster – The Seafood

Lobster is a sea animal that is taken as seafood in many parts of the world. This animal belongs to a family of marine crustaceans called Nephropidae and is characterized by its hard exoskeleton, large claws, and long antennae. They are typically cooked and served in a variety of ways, including boiled, grilled, or as an ingredient in dishes such as lobster bisque or lobster rolls.

Lobster is a popular seafood that is enjoyed around the world. It is considered a delicacy by many and is often served in high-end restaurants. However, for Muslims, the question of whether lobster is halal or not is a matter of great importance.

The Concept of Halal and Haram In Isalm

In Islam, the concept of halal and haram is central to the religion’s dietary laws. Halal refers to what is lawful or permissible according to Islamic law, while haram refers to what is forbidden or prohibited. These laws govern everything that Muslims do. Its opposite restrain Muslims from practicing things by labeling it as haram.

Halal consumption not only includes things that Muslims eat but also how animals are raised, slaughtered, and prepared for consumption.

Read our interesting blog on – Is Shrimp Halal?

What Makes Food Halal?

In order for food to be considered halal, it must meet certain criteria. For example;

  • Halal Food must not contain any pork or pork by-products, alcohol, other intoxicants, or prohibited products.
  • The animal must be halal and slaughtered in a specific halal way, with a sharp knife cutting the jugular vein and carotid artery, while the name of Allah is pronounced.
  • The animal must also be healthy and alive at the time of slaughter.

Overall, the concept of halal and haram plays an important role in the Islamic faith, providing guidance on what is considered permissible and what is not. This topic extends beyond just food. However, here, we are talking about the food, hence let’s come to the point.

Don’t forget to read our comprehensive Blog on “ What Does Halal Mean?

Lobster – Is it Halal?

Lobster is a controversial food. According to some Fiqs, and Islamic scholars, it is Halal. A lobster is an animal that lives on sand and water altogether. Although it is not solely a sea
animal hence it is not classified as fish, but as shellfish.

Most scholars have viewed it as halal because it is not mentioned haram in Qur’an or Sunnah. They say Allah has clearly mentioned the prohibited food in Qur’an and sea animals are halal to eat.

Secondly. Scholars also take into account the following ahadith for claiming it as halal;

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that two types of dead animals and two types of blood are halal to eat.

In reference to this Hadith; Clerics believe that the types of dead animals are seafood of all types including lobster, crab, shrimp, and locusts. The two types of blood are the liver and the spleen.
Taking into account these two points, Lobsters are claimed halal and permissible to eat. However, there is also an opposition that claims lobster as non-halal food. So let’s find out how it is claimed to be non-hala in our next section.

Is It Haram?

According to some clerics and Islamic scholars, lobster is a non-halal food item and must be avoided. The points that make it non-halal are as below;

Lobster As a Bug

A lobster is considered an insect with no liver, and insects are prohibited to eat in Isalm except Locust.

Yes, this thing makes it a non-halal in food option to consume. Now here you might be wondering if a Lobster is really an insect. So, the answer is somehow yes. Lobster belongs to Phylum Arthropoda, which includes animals like spiders, scorpions, all types of crustaceans, and insects.

Lobsters have segmented bodies, exoskeletons, antennas, and shells which make them resemble other bugs, like cockroaches. However, they are called water bugs. Moreover, they are not classified as insects but as crustaceans.

Although lobsters are not classified as bugs but they possess the same characteristics as bugs thus they are considered haram in Islam.

Islam Prohibition

According to some scholars, Islam has prohibited eating animals that live on land and water both. The clerics say, Islam has permitted to eat sea animals but animals like frogs, and lobster lives on land and sea both thus it is prohibited to eat.

Is Lobster Halal?

As we have mentioned above the reasons why lobsters are considered halal and why they are prohibited. There are mixed concerns that do not clarify a stable answer. Some clerics claim it as halal, while others say it is non-halal.

At this point, you might be wondering which answer to follow. According to our opinion, Muslims should go with answer number two which says it is non-halal. The reasons are as follows;

  • Lobsters are not solely sea animals that should be considered halal. Islam has allowed to eat sea animals but lobsters are sea and land animals
  • They are insects because of the characteristics they possess, including the green body fluid found in most insects.

Controversial Answer

Puzzled with the answer? Still not sure what to do? Here is another solution for you!
As our Prophet (PBUH) said

“Both legal and illegal things are obvious, and in between them are (suspicious) doubtful matters.”

Certainly, lobster falls under the category of doubtful matters with no clear explanation regarding its halal status. So, what should you do in such a case? The best course of action is to avoid consuming anything that raises doubts or suspicions.

As narrated by our Prophet(PBUH);

He who avoids these doubtful matters certainly clears himself in regard to his religion and his honor. But he who falls into the doubtful matters falls into that which is unlawful like the shepherd who pastures around a sanctuary, all but grazing therein.”

In another hadith, it is said;

“Leave that which makes you doubt for that which does not make you doubt, for the truth leads to reassurance, and lies lead to uncertainty.

Final Thought – Is Lobster Halal?

The final conclusion drawn from this entire blog is to refrain from consuming lobster due to the suspicions surrounding its halal status. As Muslims, it is our duty to abstain from things that raise doubts and uncertainty.

Furthermore, the clarification provided in this blog reveals that lobsters are classified as crustaceans or bugs rather than sea animals, which further solidifies their non-halal categorization.

So here you have it, a comprehensive blog on the halal status of lobster. If you still need any guidance regarding halal food options or places to get them, we can provide you with complete guidance on it!
