Talimul Islam

The Talim-ul-Islam organization has been in existence since 1972. The organization operates legally under the name Talim-ul-Islam Ontario. It operated out of its members homes until 1992 when it acquired the building at 86 Rivalda Road. After 9 years it finally obtained the necessary permits to allow the building to be renovated and used as a place of worship, and to allow us to conduct our affairs.

The aims and objectives of our organization are:

  1. To provide an Islamic based organization.

  2. To create conditions conducive to the growth of Islamic education.

  3. To foster and promote a spirit of brotherhood/sisterhood and co-operation between other Muslim organizations and to organize religious activities.

  4. To acquire properties and assets useful to those ends.

​In light of this we started by establishing an Islamic School at the centre. Unfortunately we had to close it down because we were unable to successfully secure all the necessary permits. Instead we started our daily Salaat Program, set up space for the Islamic Bookstore, and started our Madressah program.

The organization is entirely volunteer driven, we have no persons on our payroll. All the monies we collect are used to operate the centre, and to help us achieve the objectives we set out.

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86 Rivalda Road,
Toronto M9M 2M8 ON CA
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