Toronto and Region Islamic Congregation

The TARIC ISLAMIC CENTRE was established by the Toronto And Region Islamic Congregation (TARIC) and is located at the busiest intersection in Canada. Built on 2.2 acres on the northeast corner of Highways 400 and 401, the Islamic Centre is one of the largest in the city with a Muslim population of over 400,000. In the summer, when overflow crowds are accommodated on the lawn, attendance at Salat ul Jumma exceeds 2,000.

The issue of Gulf Weekly of 25-31 May 1995 says “..The TARIC Islamic Centre, probably the most vibrant and effective in reaching out to non-Muslims is, perhaps the premier Muslim outfit in Metropolitan Toronto. Founded in 1977, it opened in 1991 the first of a two-phase complex of buildings. Today, it has over 2,000 worshippers, a library, a gymnasium and a school that teaches Arabic and the Muslim religion. It also puts out a bulletin called Community News. Unlike some other Islamic organisations, those at the helm of affairs here seem to have succeeded in projecting Islam to the Canadian public in a very favourable light.”

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99 Beverly Hills Drive,
Toronto M3L 1A2 ON CA
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