Muharram 2024 in Canada and its Significance

Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar. Muharram 2024 is soon to start in Canada. It is a time of deep significance for Muslims worldwide. With the start of Muharram, the new Islamic year will also commence.  

In Canada, this month is marked by various religious and cultural activities. If you are new in Canada and want to learn more about Muharram in Canada, then this blog is for you. In this blog, we will cover every aspect of this holy month and what you can expect when you witness this month in the non-Muslim country like Canada. 

So let’s get started! 

When is Muharram 2024 in Canada?

Muharram 2024 in Canada is expected to begin on Saturday 6th July evening and the first day of Muharram will be on Sunday, July 7th, 2024. 

However, the exact date may vary depending on the sighting of the moon, as the Islamic calendar is lunar-based. 

When is Muharram 2024 in Canada

Importance of Muharram in Islam

Muharram is the first month of the lunar calendar that reflect the rich traditions and deep historical roots of the Islamic community.

This sacred month is one of the four mentioned in the Qur’an. The word “Muharram” means “forbidden”. This means certain actions, especially warfare, are particularly forbidden during this month. 

Both Muharram and Haram (the holy Kaaba) come from the same Arabic root word, showing that this month and the Kaaba are both special places for worship and purity.

War is Forbidden in Muharram

Historically, war was not allowed during the month of Muharram. This was to ensure that pilgrims traveling back from Hajj could return home safely. However, this command was broken when war was fought against Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) grandson, Hazrat Hussain (AS), leading to the tragic events of Karbala.

The Sacredness of Muharram

Muharram is considered the “Sacred Month of Allah”. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emphasized its importance by designating it as such. The month is mentioned in the Quran as one of the four sacred months, along with Dhul-Qi’dah, Dhul-Hijjah, and Rajab. During these months, Muslims are encouraged to refrain from sinful acts and engage in increased worship and good deeds.

The Story of Karbala

A key event remembered during Muharram is the Battle of Karbala, which took place over 1,400 years ago. 

Another significant event remembered during Muharram is the martyrdom of Imam Hussain at the Battle of Karbala. Imam Hussain stood up against the oppressive rule of Yazid and sacrificed his life for the sake of justice and truth. 

Imam Hussain, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad, and his followers were martyred in their stand against tyranny and injustice. This event, particularly commemorated on the 10th day of Muharram known as Ashura, serves as a powerful symbol of sacrifice and steadfastness in the face of oppression.

His sacrifice is a powerful reminder of the importance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of great adversity.

What To Expect on Muharram 2024 in Canada?

Muharram 2024 is expected to begin on the evening of July 7th, with the Day of Ashura falling on July 16th. Here’s what you can expect during this sacred month in Canada.

What To Expect on Muharram 2024 in Canada

Mourning Practices

For Shia Muslims, Muharram and Ashura are particularly significant as they mourn the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (AS) and his companions in the Battle of Karbala. This mourning involves:

  • Majlis: Gatherings where the story of Karbala is recounted.
  • Matam: Ritualistic chest beating and lamentation to express grief.
  • Processions: Public processions where participants recite poetry and recount the events of Karbala.

Canadian Muslims may adapt their mourning practices to fit the multicultural and diverse environment of the country.

What Do Sunni Muslims Do?

Sunni Muslims also recognize the significance of Ashura, their focus is more on fasting and reflection than mourning and participating in other religious activities.

Fasting Practices

Fasting is served on the 9th and 10th of Muharram. In Islam, it is said to fast for two days the ninth and tenth of Muharram or the tenth or eleventh of Muharram. The reason for two days of fasting is to make it different from the Jewish practice. 

History narrates that Jews used to fast on the 10th of Muharram remembering their rescue from the tyranny of Firawn on this day and other historical events. Seeing this the Prophet PBUH said his Muslim fellows to fast for at least two days to make it look different from the Jewish practice. 

Other Things to Expect in Muharram 

  • Special prayers and lectures to remember the events and lessons of Ashura.
  • In Canada, mosques and Islamic centers organize various events during Muharram:
  • Scholars and religious leaders give talks on the significance of Muharram and Ashura.
  • Muslims come together for communal prayers, discussions, and meals.
  • Some communities engage in acts of charity and distribute food to the needy.
  • Events to educate non-Muslims about the significance of Muharram and Ashura.

Acts of Charity

Charity is a cornerstone of Muharram observances in Canada. Muslims engage in various acts of generosity, such as distributing food and water to the needy, donating to charitable causes, and organizing community meals. 

These acts of kindness not only honor the sacrifices of Imam Hussain but also help to strengthen community bonds and support those in need.

The Day of Ashura 

The Day of Ashura is observed on the 10th of Muharram. This is one of the most significant and poignant days in the Islamic calendar. It commemorates several key events that hold deep historical and religious importance for Muslims. 

Let’s explore the major events associated with Ashura and their significance.

The Battle of Karbala

One of the most defining events associated with Ashura is the Battle of Karbala, which took place in 680 CE. This tragic event is etched in the hearts of Muslims, particularly among the Shia community. This event is related to the following occurrence:

Imam Hussain’s (AS) Stand Against Oppression

Imam Hussain (AS), the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), refused to pledge allegiance to Yazid ibn Muawiyah, the then Umayyad Caliph. Yazid’s rule was marked by tyranny and deviation from Islamic principles. Hussain’s refusal was a stand against injustice and oppression, representing the core values of Islam.

The Battle

Hussain, along with his small group of family and loyal companions, was confronted by Yazid’s vastly larger army in the plains of Karbala, Iraq. Despite their overwhelming disadvantage, Hussain and his followers chose to fight for justice and uphold their faith.

The Martyrdom

The battle culminated in the martyrdom of Hussain and his companions on the 10th of Muharram. Their sacrifice is a powerful reminder of the struggle against tyranny and the importance of standing firm in one’s beliefs. This event is not only a significant historical occurrence but also a symbol of resistance and integrity in the face of oppression.

Related Article: Importance of Muharram in Islam

The Rescue of Prophet Musa (AS)

Another important event commemorated on Ashura is the rescue of Prophet Musa (AS) and the Bani Israel (Children of Israel) from Firawn (Pharaoh) and his army.

Firawn’s Tyranny

Firawn, who declared himself a god, enslaved the Bani Israel and subjected them to severe oppression. Prophet Musa (AS) was chosen by Allah to lead the Bani Israel out of Egypt and away from Firawn’s tyranny.

The Miraculous Escape

On the day of Ashura, Musa and his followers were trapped by Firawn’s pursuing army at the Red Sea. The sea parted by Allah’s command and allowed Musa and his followers to safely cross. When Firawn and his army followed, the sea closed upon them, drowning Firawn and his forces.

This miraculous event shows Allah’s power and kindness, saving the believers from being oppressed. It also highlights the idea of divine justice and the victory of faith over injustice.

Other Prophetic Events

Ashura is also associated with several other significant events in Islamic tradition:

Prophet Nuh’s (AS) Ark 

According to some narrations, it was on Ashura that Prophet Nuh’s (AS) ark came to rest on Mount Judiyy after the great flood. 

This event marks the end of a period of divine retribution and the beginning of a new era for humanity.

Prophet Adam’s (AS) Forgiveness

 Some Islamic traditions hold that Ashura was the day when Prophet Adam (AS) was forgiven by Allah after his expulsion from paradise. This event signifies the mercy and forgiveness of Allah.

Prophet Yunus’s (AS) Release

Ashura is also believed to be the day when Prophet Yunus (AS) was released from the belly of the whale. This event highlights the power of repentance and Allah’s ability to save and deliver His prophets from difficult situations.

Observing Muharram in Canada

In Canada, Muslims celebrate Muharram in meaningful ways that reflect their religious beliefs and cultural traditions. They attend special prayers and gatherings at mosques and community centers, where they listen to readings from the Qur’an and learn about the importance of the month. 

Public processions are also held especially in  major cities like Toronto, Vancouver, Mississauga and others where the Shia community bring people together dressed in black to mourn and remember Imam Hussain and his companions. 

Acts of charity, such as giving food to the less fortunate and supporting charitable causes, are also common during this time. These practices not only honor the sacrifices of Imam Hussain but also strengthen community ties and compassion towards others.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Muslims Mourn in Canada as in other Muslim Countries?

Yes, Muslims in Canada observe the mourning of Muharram, particularly the Day of Ashura, similar to their counterparts in other Muslim countries. 

What are The Lessons From the Battle Of Karbala?

The Battle of Karbala teaches lessons of courage, standing against injustice, and upholding principles of righteousness even in the face of adversity.

Is Fasting on Ashura Obligatory?

Fasting on Ashura is recommended but not obligatory for Muslims. It is seen as a way to seek forgiveness and blessings from Allah.

Can Non-Muslims Participate In Muharram Observances?

Non-Muslims are often welcome to observe and learn about Muharram observances, but participation in religious rituals may vary depending on local customs and practices.
