Easy Donair Sauce Recipe You Should Try at Home

When it comes to enhancing the taste of a dish, sauces play an important role. Similarly, donair sauces uplift the unique taste of Donair to another level. However, to make finger-licking good sauces, blending spices perfectly is essential. No one can master it without a complete recipe. If you are looking for a donair sauce recipe, you are at the right place. Today, we will share the full recipe of donair sauce that you can try at home and enjoy its various dishes. The authentic donair sauce is creamy, tangy, and a little sweet. Is making donair sauce at home easy? Of course, it is. All you need is to follow our recipe step by step and enjoy it. 

Ingredients You Need

Nothing beats the taste of classic donair sauce when it comes to pairing it with a Mediterranean dish. Whether you like to drizzle or dip your whole Donair in it, the sauce recipe is the same for all. So, here’s what you need to make creamy donair sauce yourself.

  • â…” cup canned evaporated milk
  • â…” cup sugar
  • ¼ cup white vinegar
  • ½ teaspoon garlic powder

That’s all the ingredients you need to make donair sauce. The list is not too long. You probably have most of the ingredients in your kitchen. Grab everything you need so we can start making it immediately. Follow our instructions to create the perfect restaurant-style donair sauce.

I have shared the recipe for halal tandoori chicken. It is a good combo with donair sauce. 

How to Make Donair Sauce?

Making donair sauce is a child’s play. Moreover, it can be prepared in the blink of an eye. Wondering what you need to do? Follow the steps:

How to Make Donair Sauce

  1. Take the can of evaporated milk. Stir it with garlic powder and sugar in the quantity mentioned in the recipe. Mix well until the sugar is dissolved. 
  2. After that take white vinegar and add it to the same mixture. Continue mixing until the sauce is thick. Let me share an amazing donair sauce tip with you. Add vinegar quickly to save your energy on mixing. This way, you don’t have to stir the mixture for long to make it thick.
  3. Now, take a rest and let the sauce sit for at least one hour. Store it in the refrigerator for a more enhanced and flavour-rich taste. 

That’s it. Your Donair sauce is ready. I know it is hard to wait an hour before you have it but trust me, it is worth the wait. 

Important Tips

Those who are making the sauce for the first time make many mistakes. None of the errors make the sauce a disaster. Nevertheless, a few things, if you pay a little attention to, will make your sauce irresistible. 

  • Refrain from stirring the sauce too much; it gets runny. 
  • If the sauce starts getting separated after a few days, skim the top. 
  • Do not haste while mixing the ingredients. Let them curdle and stir gently to get smooth, creamy, thick donair sauce. 

Meal Suggestions to Try Donair Sauce With

Preparing Donair sauce at home does not take long. However, the list of meals you can combine with it is quite long. If you need suggestions on what you should try with Donair sauce, the following information is for you.

  • My ultimate favourite garlic fingers. These taste the best with a donair sauce. It must be the favourite of many of you around here. When the subtle taste of garlic fingers kicks in with the donair sauce, a chef’s kiss moment. If you are not a fan of garlic fingers, you can try it with any cheesy or garlic bread. It tastes almost similar, but for best, try garlic fingers.
  • Our next suggestion is pizza. I know it seems odd, but it does taste odd. We usually enjoy our pizzas with tomato ketchup and chilli garlic sauce. Try donair sauce with the pizza next time. You will never switch back to traditional sauces anymore. 

Shelf Life of Donair Sauce

  • How can we forget a donair? A donair sauce tastes the best with Donair. Dip the Donair in it or drizzle it over your Donair, and enjoy the yummiest donair bite.
  • Oh, are you still having your french fries with ketchup and mayonnaise? It’s time to bring donair sauce to the table. It is better than both ketchup and mayonnaise. Don’t believe me? Try it yourself. 
  • Donair sauce complements the Donair pizza base the best. If you love pizza and Donair, try it out. 
  • Would you like to spice up your boring salad? Add donair meat into your bowl of veggies and drizzle some donair sauce over it. No, it won’t disturb your diet routine. The sauce is low on carbs so that all diet-conscious people can enjoy it. 

Shelf Life of Donair Sauce

If you are making donair sauce at home, you won’t make it in less quantity, obviously. You must be wondering how long the sauce will taste good if you prepare it in large quantities. So, the good news is the homemade donair sauce is good for a month. You need to store it properly. To maintain its quality, make sure you store it in an airtight container. Also, keep it in the refrigerator after use. Donair sauce does not spoil quickly. It just needs extra care and proper storage to stay good for a month. Fun fact! It is so yummy that it rarely lasts a year long. Everyone loves to have it with every meal. Its taste is kind of addicting. You must try it. 


Making Donair sauce is a cakewalk. You neither need loads of ingredients nor hours of preparation time. Its recipe is pretty simple. You hardly need four to five ingredients to prepare Donair sauce at home. Follow the recipe we shared, and your Donair sauce will be ready in an hour. Shake a leg, and try it out right away. It is a recipe you should not miss, ever.


What is donair sauce made of?

Donair sauce has a few ingredients: evaporated milk, vinegar, garlic powder, sugar, and salt. Mix all the ingredients well and refrigerate. Ta Da, your donair sauce is ready. 

Why is it called Donair?

Donair comes from a Turkish word döner or dönmek. It means to turn or rotate. In short, Donair is just a rotated roasted wrap, hence its name.

Why is my donair sauce not thickening?

The only reason the Donair sauce doesn’t thicken is the vinegar addition. If you don’t add vinegar quickly, your sauce won’t get thick. Only three to four spoons of vinegar are enough to thicken a bowl of sauce. To get the right consistency of Donair sauce, add and mix vinegar to the sauce quickly. 
