Are Doritos Halal? Can A Muslim Eat It?

Everyone loves munching on snacks to satisfy their odd-times hunger. One of the best snacks in the world is Doritos. Do you agree? Well, their taste is undoubtedly mouthwatering. When you bite on it, the bold flavors and crunch sound are indeed a treat. Do you follow halal dietary guidelines? You must be curious about its ingredients, right? You must be here to find out the dietary status of these snacks. Join us on our journey to explore the status of the crunchiest snacks. Stop wondering whether you should eat Doritos. Read this guide and settle all your confusion. 

Before we reveal its status, we will explore its entire manufacturing process. It is essential to analyze its ingredients to know its halal status. This blog will solve your confusion once and for all. You don’t need to look at the ingredients every time before buying. 


Before we dig deeper, let’s look at the background of these snacks. These were created in the 1960s by the Frito-Lay company. Doritos are pretty popular in the United States. There are many Muslims in the US who raise many questions. Whether Muslims can eat these tortilla chips or not. Does it follow halal dietary guidelines? These were the major concerns of all Muslims living in the US. Do you know what does halal mean? It provides guidelines to Muslims on what is permissible to eat. Today, we will find out the dietary status of Doritos according to this guideline. They come in three fantastic flavors:

  • Chilli Heatywave
  • Cool Original
  • Tangy Cheese

All these flavors are hard to resist. But before munching on these, we need to find out if a Muslim can eat these chips or not. Some say some Doritos are halal. But to know more, read on. 

Is Doritos Halal Certified?

Is Doritos Halal Certified

The halal dietary status of many is hidden in its ingredients. Not everyone can analyze the ingredients and manufacturing process of everything. This is when halal certification comes in handy. Anything that is halal-certified is safe for Muslims to consume. Any product with halal certification is free from non-halal ingredients and cross-contamination. According to 2020’s official Tweet of Doritos, their products are not halal. Also, they have no halal certification. 

All flavors of Doritos use different ingredients. None of them has the halal certification. Those who say some flavors are halal, but that’s not the truth. Their official website says their products are not halal certified. It is okay to say their products do not meet halal standards. However, no halal certification does not always mean the product has haram ingredients. But in the case of Doritos, it is the ingredients. To explore this further, we will look at its ingredients. If you are interested in this, keep on reading. 

Ingredients -What Makes Doritos Not Halal?

Many think Doritos are halal because they don’t have haram ingredients on the list. They have no pork or alcohol, the most obvious non-halal items. However, an item should have no haram ingredients to be 100% halal. Also, it should be prepared according to Islamic guidelines. All flavors of these crunchy chips have different ingredients. Let’s explore them all and find out if they are halal. 


All Doritos contain corn. It is not something that is labelled as haram in Islam. So, it gets a pass. 

Vegetable Oil

The next essential ingredient of Doritos is vegetable oil. It is a mixture of different items, including corn, canola, and sunflower oil. All these are plant-based. So, these are also halal. 

Flavors and Spices

This is somewhat confusing. All flavors are made with different spices and seasoning. Some contain plant-based ingredients. While others also have animal-derived ingredients. The best example of this is its Cheese flavor. It contains cheese from animal-derived enzymes. If you are a Muslim, you must know that animal-derived cheese is not halal. Some spices are also questionable because of their sources. 

Enzymes and Ethanol

Some reports say Doritos contain animal-derived enzymes. These are probably from non-halal animals. This is why a Muslim should think before eating these irresistible treats. Also, ethanol can be considered a haram ingredient. It is a type of alcohol. But its concentration is too low and not intoxicating. It is not considered haram in all cases. 

Cheddar Cheese

The ingredients of cheese make it haram or halal. The cheddar cheese contains milk, salt, and enzymes to convert milk into cheese. If the rennet used in milk is mostly from haram sources. Thus, it can not be labelled as halal. For more information, read Is cheddar cheese halal? 

Which Doritos Flavors are Halal?

Which Doritos Flavors are Halal?

Doritos manufacturers clearly say their products are not halal. However, if a Muslim wants to try these, they should be careful about not consuming something haram. Our research and available information found something about the halal status of the following flavors.

Original Doritos

These are plain corn chips with no additives. They are considered halal because of the plant-based ingredients. These include corn, vegetable oil, and salt. 

Nacho Cheese Doritos

Let’s shed some light on the most popular flavor. The focus ingredients are cheese and natural flavors. As we mentioned earlier, the cheese used in Doritos is chiefly animal-based. This is the main reason why many label it as non-halal. However, it is not confirmed. Doritos has no halal certification; we believe they don’t follow halal guidelines when gathering ingredients. As Muslims, it’s better not to eat something you are dubious about. 

Cool Ranch Doritos

Another great flavor of Doritos with complex ingredients. It contains natural flavors and some dairy products. It is also not considered halal because of the cheese. This could be from a non-halal animal. If you strictly follow halal dietary guidelines, do not eat these. 

Flamin’ Hot Doritos

This flavor also contains cheese along with natural flavors. According to some sources, this flavor is certified halal by the Islamic Council of America. However, this is true for all packets. It can vary from region to region. Some regions with a Muslim majority may have halal Doritos. You should confirm it before buying. You can also check the ingredients list at the back of the Doritos packet. None of the information is official. It’s better not to eat any of it if you follow halal dietary guidelines strictly. 


Many are interested in the dietary status of the US’s favorite chips, Doritos. According to their official statement, they have no halal certification. Those who follow halal dietary guidelines should be careful while consuming these tortilla chips. If you want to try these chips, ensure the packet you buy is free from non-halal ingredients. Muslim consumers seek clarity to be sure these chips align with their religious beliefs. Some Muslim-majority countries sell their halal versions. These include South Africa and Indonesia. Sadly, Doritos manufacturers in Canada and the United States do not have halal guidelines. Some Doritos flavors are considered halal based on the ingredients. However, Doritos are not the only snacks. You can try other crunchy chips that are equally good. 


Is Doritos halal or haram?

Doritos are not halal. Some of its ingredients are animal-based, so it is not considered halal. The most concerning ingredient is cheese and the enzyme used to prepare it.
