Smoke’s Poutinerie Barrie

Smoke’s Poutinerie Barrie: What compelled a man to shoot a rocket into space or build his biceps to Hulk Hogan’s size? The same reason Smoke created the most flavorsome dish of all time – to win a girl’s heart.
He spent hours and hours preparing a “totally bitchin concoction” of Poutine to win over Molly Ringwald’s taste buds. In Wolverine’s spirit, Smoke smothered potatoes in gravy and cheese curds. And that wasn’t all! In a crazy act of love, he added bacon that had been double-smoked, caramelized onions, and pan-seared mushrooms. The moment he presented it to his beloved, it was love at first bite. And they wed immediately.Not long after, Smoke decided to put it to good use for humanity. Thanks to his Poutine, he would soothe grumbling stomachs everywhere. The love for Poutine knows no bounds.

Smoke’s Poutinerie Barrie offers a wide range of menu items exclusive to Poutine, including the World’s Largest and Original Poutinerie. At Smoke’s Poutinerie Barrie, we want to achieve GLOBAL DOMINATION by providing a unique Canadian food experience that will open up new markets to us!

Smoke’s Poutinerie Barrie has reinvented the iconic Canadian dish of Fries, Cheese Curd, and Gravy and turned it into an entirely different food category. The topping ingredients you can choose from are unlimited. There is a recipe for everyone at Smoke’s Poutinerie, whether you like beef, chicken, vegetables, or pork.
Thousands of acres of Smoke’s premium, locally grown potatoes are selected by hand and packaged by Smoke himself! Each cut-french batch is thoroughly rinsed, then browned on low heat in trans-fat-free canola oil. With high heat, the fries crisp up quickly and brown to make them fresh each time!
Smoke’s recipe includes subtle seasonings, like rosemary, in their classic Quebec gravy. You can’t find this flavor anywhere else. Smoke’s Poutinerie also offers veggie gravy.

Smoke’s cheese curds are white golden nuggets that are always fresh and squeaky, just as he likes them.
Combine it all, and you’ll get golden crispy fries, crispy cheese curds, and piping hot gravy smothered in tasty toppings.

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24a Dunlop Street West,
Barrie L4N 1A2 ON CA
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